Exclusive: Seanie Furlong Free To Play – Updated

Seanie FurlongWicklow GAA Online can exclusively reveal that Seanie Furlong has been cleared to play in all upcoming matches following a meeting in Thurles last night.

The Kiltegan sharpshooter’s participation was in doubt following confusion over a Red Card he received against Louth in the O’Byrne Cup and subsequent appearance against Antrim in Round One of the League Campaign.

Various papers and websites were quoting up to a 6 month ban would follow, but Wicklow GAA Online can now confirm that Wicklow man is free to play and cleared of any pending suspension.

Wicklowgaaonline.com spoke to County Chairman Andy O’Brien who was extremely satisfied that the misunderstanding had been cleared up and Wicklow were vindicated of any intentional wrong doing. With a number of key matches coming up in the league Seanie will now be free to spearhead the Garden Counties attack. The outcome is far removed from the dramatic and exaggerated reports that had circulated earlier in the week with the possibility of a six month ban speculated on in some quarters.

As Wicklow fans we can only add that we are absolutly delighted…and we are counting down the days to Wicklows next outing against Kilkenny….with hotels and guest houses dropping their prices why not make the trip and have a Saturday night out before the match on a Sunday!! Say hi if you bump into us. We will be the gang with the Wickla’ accents!!!

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