Baltinglass Club Notes

Lotto Jackpot stands at 5,600,numbers last

week were 9-11-18-30.Match 3 winners were

Julia O Neill,Sinead Whelan,Marian Sinnott,M & M,

and Kitty Bookle.Any boy or girls interest in part-taken

in a Gaeltacht Scholarship can contact the Club for details.

You must be a members of the club and play football and be

in 1st or 2nd year in Post Primary Level.Closing date for this

is March 16th.Juvenile Registration is taken part next week-end

in the club house.On Friday evening March 2nd from 7 to 8pm

and Sat March 3rd  11am to 12 noon.The club shop will be open

on the Friday evening to get  your gearThe Senior Lads kick off

their League next week-end against Hollywood  on Saturday check

with mentors for time.The Ladies Minor Team began their debut

on Sunday last with a game against Cumann Na Mara.This is the

first time Baltinglass had a Minor Team.The range from age 12 to

17.The girls won on a score of 7-14 to 1-9.We thank Kiltegan for

the use of there pitch as our own wasnt available to us as the Co.

U21 are playing Wed. night..

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