Dunlavin Club Notes

Congratulations to our Junior team who defeated Kiltegan in the final of the Ovington Cup in Valleymount on a final score of 10 points to 8. The club couldnt ask for a better start to the 2012 season, excellent performances all round from what is a very young Dunlavin team mixed with 1 or 2 vintages for good measure! Very good performances all round from each player on the field in what was a tightly fought battle throughout most notably Enda Bowes caused all sorts of problems for the Kiltegan backs and put in a man of the match display for Dunlavin.
Thank you to Johnny Stone and the Valleymount Gaa Club for staging
the final and for the welcome cup of tea after the match.
We believe this win was celebrated as far away as Brazil and Disneyland,Florida!
Good luck to all of our lads playing in the schools competitions on at the moment. We also wish our lads involved at County level u21 and minor the best as their training is begining to heat up also for the coming first rounds of their respective Wicklow Gaa campaigns.
Our Social Night/Dinner dance is in Rathsallagh next Saturday night 3rd of March  ….. still some tickets available!!! tickets are only €20 a very enjoyable night not to be missed.
The Club lotto is now at €4000 as it was not won once more please support Dunlavin Gaa and purchase a ticket for only €2 to be in with a chance of winning.
Training for both adult teams continues on Tuesday and Friday nights in the Gaa field at 7.45pm also membership can be paid on these nights, new playing and non-playing members are always welcome to join.
Check out our Facebook page “Dunlavin Gaa Club” where you can catch up on news, fixtures, pictures or any items related to our club. Also your feedback and comments are much appreciated.

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