Valleymount Club Notes

The club held its Lotto Draw on Saturday 25th February in Leos. The jackpot was worth €1600 and the numbers were 2-11-20-21, there was no winner. The four €25 winners were Brendan Hughes Jnr, Pat Reid, Kevin Hughes and Andy Farrington. Congrats and thanks for your support.

Tickets for the next draw on Saturday 10th March are on sale from the usual outlets and the jackpot is €1750. Well done to Dunlavin who beat Kiltegan in the Final of the Wilson-Buttle Cup in Valleymount at the weekend. With a score line of 10 points to 8 it was a close and exciting game. Thanks to John Richardson, Conor Fitz, Mick Nolan, Philip Ryan and Noel Foster for having the field in tip-top condition on the day. Thanks to John Cullen for the use of his tele-porter and also thanks to the caterers, Alice Stones, Maura Hughes, Bridget Cahill who provided tea and sandwiches on the day. Training continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm sharp in the field for all teams.

Best of luck to the lads who are in the Final of the West Junior League next Sunday. They will be playing Blessington for the Hennessy Cup on Sunday morning in Valleymount at 11am. There will tea and sandwiches after the match so people can make their way to Aughrim to cheer on the Wicklow Seniors who are playing Waterford at 2.30pm. Good luck to them. Please come down and support the lads, everyone welcome.

The VYC is back in full swing this week for 5th and 6th classes from 6.30 to 8pm and from 1st Year to under 18’s from 8.30 to 10pm. For news or information to be included in the club notes please contact Michael Nolan. Membership forms are doing the rounds. All membership must be paid to Philip or Brendan by Thursday 1st March 2012 to be eligible to play at the weekend. The club extends its deepest sympathies to the families and friends of Pamela Hanrahan and William Kavanagh who died last week.

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