Wicklow See Off Impressive London

National Football League Division 4

Wicklow 1-16

London 0-12


Wicklow produced a gritty second hand performance to see off an impressive London in Ruislip and in the process set up a winner takes all game for promotion against Clare in Aughrim next weekend writes Alan O’Brien.

With the greatest respect to London the journey to England’s capital rarely brings concern about the result. However just four minutes into this clash the Wicklow fans were already biting nails as the exiles raced into a 0-3 to no score lead against a sluggish Wicklow team. All the pre match discussion revolved around a potential promotion game against Clare next weekend and it appeared that the Wicklow players were thinking of same a little early as they arrived for every ball behind their London counterpart.

Lorcan Mulvey was dominating the game from the centre of the pitch with strong fielding and powerful running. The exiled Cavan man was sent off on his last tussle with the Garden County in the Breffni Park qualifier clash in 2010 but was excelling in his first outing for the exiles this season.

Tony Hannon got a misfiring Wicklow on the scoreboard with a well taken free which was followed by a glorious score from Mick McLoughlin. Seanie found his range before Tino notched two points with the Garden County appearing to get on top of their hosts. However London showed their steel with 0-2 in a row to level the match and it took a Seanie Furlong score to push Wicklow back in front at half time by a single point.

Wicklow had a strong wind in the second half but when London scored the opening two points to lead the game again it appeared that the match would not pan out as the forecast on the terraces at half time.

Leighton pulled Wicklow level but London would not go away. Mullins pushed them back in front and when Seanie levelled it was McGoldrick who stepped up for the Ruislip outfit to again put London in front.

The travelling Wicklow support grew more anxious as time ticked down and it took John McGrath to settle the nerves with a great score before Seanie gave Wicklow some daylight with a fine 0-3 without reply. Tino raised another white flag before birthday boy Leighton Glynn scored a class point off his left foot. Seanie and Finn traded scores with two points from frees for London before Sean McVeigh fouled Seanie in the large rectangle and Leighton stepped up dispatch the penalty.

Wicklow’s thoughts now turn to Clare in Aughrim next weekend and for long periods against London it looked the like the players had turned their attention there too early. Too ofter the play was sloppy and Wicklow needed John Flynn to make a couple of important saves but this is a results business and we got the result. London were impressive and a 0-7 defeat was harsh on the home side.

On a positive note Seanie score 0-6 with 0-4 in the second half from play and Tony Hannon continues to impress in the corner. Ciaran Hyland is flying and Finn has put in a couple of great shifts in the middle of the park.

When Sunday comes Aughrim will be buzzing like it’s All Ireland Final day. A win and we are promoted with a league final in Croke Park against Fermanagh to follow. Harry and the lads have done their bit and now it times for the fans to make the effort in a final push. Mark Sunday in your diary because we should all be there to support the team in what will be a titanic tussle with a Clare team who have had our measure in the last couple of years.

P.s. Welcome back John McGrath. There is nothing like a legend in a Wicklow shirt!

Wicklow Team: Flynn, Hyland, A McLough, Byrne, Healy, M McLough, Kelly, Staff, Finn, Hayden, O’Sullivan, Glynn, Tino, Seanie, McGrath

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