Án Tochar Club Notes

There will be another great night of entertainment held in the Club on Sunday 3rd of June at 8:30 and all are welcome to either participate or just soak up the talent. There will be music of all type, dancing, poetry and possibly some drama. For more details contact Don Ferguson.

The Club’s under 10s played Bray, Fergal Ógs & Newtown last Friday in Ballywaltrim. Best on the night for us were Dale and Jordan Brady, Niall Sheehan, Ben Staunton, Kian Johnson, Matt Nolan, Darragh Fee and Sean Price.

Our u16s produced an almighty second half performance at home, on Monday may 21st, by beating St. Kevins by 3-10 to 2-11, to regain their winning streak after the previous disappointing result against Derry Gaels.

In an extraordinary game, full of quality from both sides, our lads managed to recover from an early barrage from their Hollywood visitors, recovering from being 13 points down at half time, to eventually win by two. After starting so poorly, a half time ‘kick up the rear end’ inspired the lads to up their game ten-fold in the second half, reducing their visitors to just three points while grabbing 3-9 for themselves.. With some fabulous score taking, the pick of which a spectacular 45 yard point from play from Liam Gaffney, we took control and St Kevins had no answer. The key to the second half performance was a complete upping of our intensity, work-rate and teamwork, which is shown through the spread of the scores across the team.

Scorers on the day were; Slim 0-2, Cian 1-1, Damo 1-0, Mark 0-1, Jaime 1-1, Gaffo 0-3, Eamo 0-1, Brian 0-1

While the second half performance was excellent, our lads will be under no illusions that a better all-around performance will be required next time out. It looks like our next game won’t be until after the junior cert, but training will continue on Friday nights as usual and a good turnout is expected.

The Senior team had a very good win away to Valleymount last Saturday. Valleymount were not as strong as they were last year but we played very well on the day and worked hard all the way to last whistle on what was a scorcher of an evening for football. The next game is this Friday at home to Ashford at 7:30p.m.

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