Kilcoole Club Notes

U16 Football:

The u16′s continued their impressive form in the league. In what was a good all round team performance, the lads should be proud of their efforts. At times we played some lovely football, starting in the half back line and good passing until we reached the forwards. On other occasions we went route 1 and CJ Corcoran was on hand to score in the old fashioned full forward role. Owen O Brien and Warren Merriman were superb in the backs and it was very pleasing to have 8 different scorers who were CJ Corcoran 4-03(yes you read that right), Lee Dutton0-2, Shane MacMullen 0-2, Bradley Delaney Byrne 0-1, Dylan Forde 0-1, Jamie Murray 0-1, Barry Diskin 0-1, Warren Merriman 0-1. Well done lads.

U14 Hurling:

Kilcoole u14 hurlers played Eire Og last Wednesday over in the field. There appears to be something magical in sport when opposing teams wearing green and blue jerseys meet. Glasgow is famous for it local derby match, when the blue of Rangers take on their green counterparts-those Irish Bhoys from the East End of the city. Consider a packed Croke Park, shaking at the foundations when the blue of Dublin take on the green of Meath. This game involved the green of the Goosebank against the blue of our neighbours Eire Og and the game lived up to expectation. The game was played in glorious sunshine. The heat factor would have being fierce draining and demanding on both teams. We played down the hill, with the merciless sun on our backs in the first half and this proved to be a wise decision. The game began even enough. Our first score came when Conor Murphy Toole floated in a long range free which was intercepted by Glenn Dunne who sent it over the bar. Eire Og levelled before Luke Evans sent over a point from about 30 metres out. Eire Og again levelled the tie, before Luke Evans scored an almost identical point. At this stage we managed to pull clear slightly. James Cahill floated in a lovely free from the side line towards the square, before Dylan Doyle struck the ball to the back of the net. Another good ball by James Cahill caused confusion in around the square before Glenn Dunne latched on to it to score our second goal and to give us a lead of 2-03 to 0-2 in our favour at half time. We knew we had a lot of work to do in the second half, playing into the sun and up the hill. We started the second half brightly. James Cahill produced the score of the game when he floated over a wonderful point from a difficult angle and some distance out.  We had a good spell now and we forced the Eire Og keeper in producing two fantastic saves before the ball rebounded out to Glenn Dunne who did the sensible thing by taking his point. Like all great derby matches, we didn’t have it all our own way and Eire Og got themselves back into the game by scoring 1-01. The final score of the game from a good point from our midfielder Luke Evans. The final score line was Kilcoole 2-05 to Eire Og 1-03. When Setanta (later Cu Chulainn) slayed the hound of Chulainn with a sliotar all those years ago, who could believe that after 2,000 years we would still be thrilled and amazed by the clash of the ash. Like the aforementioned folk hero, Kilcoole produced it’s own legends tonight. Man of the match Adam Cummins put in a performance to equal Tommy Walsh. Luke Evans resembled Michael Rice by some fine finishing from midfield. Glenn Dunne could have being disguised as John Mullane, in your face all the time and scoring 1-02 for good measure. Conor Murphy Toole reminded me of Diarmiad” Rock” O Sullivan. He cleaned up everything that came in his way with the precision of a hoover and the tenacity and bravery of Brian Boru. All in all it was a great team performance with everybody playing their part in a good victory. Well done lads and not forgetting the management team of Ciaran Doyle and Eddie Byrne and their back up team of coaches PJ Scully, Andy Hanney, Michail O Muirichu, Gerry Curry and Francis Kearns. Well done to everyone involved and thanks to Eire Og for a great match. The sportsmanship of both teams was excellent and both teams should be applauded for this. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and we just edged it tonight in what was an entertaining and sporting game. Keep up the good work lads. Our panel and scorers were: Arron McKenna, Brian Short, Conor Murphy Toole, Ryan Heffernan, Adam Cummins, Killian Hannon, James Cahill, Luke Evans, Brandon Scully, Glenn Dunne, James Harte, Kieron Byrne, Dylan Doyle, Dylan O Brien and Christy O Brien. Well done again lads.

Scorers: Glenn Dunne 1-02, Luke Evans 0-3, Dylan Doyle 1-0, James Cahill 0-1

U12 Football: We travelled to Kilmac last Monday week in perfect conditions for a game in one of the best locations in the country for a game. But apart from admiring the scenery, something even more special was taking place on the pitch. This was literally, a game of two halves. Kilmac dominated the first half, with some clever use of the ball and some great running by their forwards. However, all was not lost as Kilcoole came right back into it, crawling back the deficit, taking the lead and never letting it go until the final whistle sounded. It was a super performance to close out the game and get a first win of the league under the belt. All the players, managers and parents can be proud of them. Scorers on the night were Glenn Dunne 1-02, Mikel Counahan 1-0, Katie Murray 1-0, Kaitlin O Toole 0-2 and Oisin Curry 0-2. Well done to Francis, Yvonne and the boys and girls.

Cúl Camp: The Kellogg’s Cúl camp for Kilcoole is from 23rd July to the 27th. It will cover football, hurling and camogie. The cost is 55 Euro for the first child, 45 for the second and 40 for a third or fourth child. A discount for 5 Euro of the booking price can be found on participating packs of Kellogg’s Cornflakes or Rice Krispies. Each child will receive a free Cúl camp kit and kit bag. Booking can be made online at .

Juvenile Training Times: Training is in the GAA field. Please arrive on time for training and please collect players promptly from training.

U6 Academy: Wednesday 16th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

U8 Hurling: Wednesday’s 6.00pm to 6.50pm for the younger members and from 7.00pm to 8.00pm for our more experienced players.

U10 Football: Wednesdays 4:45pm to 5:45pm.

U10 Hurling: Thursdays 6:45pm to 8pm.

U12 Football: Wednesday’s 5pm-6:15pm.

U12 Hurling: Thursdays 6:45pm to 8pm.

U14 Hurling: Saturday’s 11am to 12:15pm. U12s can attend this session also.

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